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NAUT - Virus Code

No, this music video has nothing to do with the 2020 hype. We just have a little bit of time to write it now.

The song was recorded by the modern/groove metal band NAUT in 2017, and made into a music video – as a mix of live action and motion graphics  – in 2018-2019.

The featured website interface is fake, you can check out the band's music at​​​​​​​.
​​​​​​​The main idea was to visually interpret the destructive process of a virus infection. This can be equally relevant to a computer, human body, or mind.

The stages of infection are shown through a progressive spreading of red colour over blue. This visual motif is reflected in the stop-motion animation of the rotating cube.
The project was not planned as VFX heavy. It just happened (as we were filming in a hybrid greenscreen/black background studio, and the musicians suggested experimenting more with chromakey shots). Having planned to mostly rely on stage lighting design, we ended up with over 200 VFX shots with tons of 2D and 3D graphics.

We are mainly focused on art; computer graphics, animation, cinematography are just tools we like to explore.
Many thanks to creative geniuses and technical wizards who are better at it, for the opportunity to learn from you!
We love lens flares more than J.J. Abrams does; so, no Optical Flares were harmed during making of this video. We simply used real vintage anamorphic glass.  

Pretty extreme aspect ratio for a 16:9 sensor camera, yet it created a unique look with a digital soundwave "skeleton" under the playing band "skin".

The music video has an ultra wide aspect ratio of 2.76:1, yet the final format is 16:9 for a reason.
As the initial warning says, it is optimized for viewing on an average desktop in a full screen mod– just for the final shot:
NAUT - Virus Code


NAUT - Virus Code

A visual exploration of a virus infection process.
